Sea levels rising at alarming levels: UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
A report from 100 scientists from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has revealed that rising sea levels are at every-worrying levels, and has warmed without pause since 1970, with experts fearing that no matter what society does, it is now irreversible.
Our waters have continuously soaked up more than 90% of the extra heat generated by humans in recent decades and this means that sea levels will continue to rise and put the livelihoods, and lives, of millions in coastal and low-lying areas at risk by 2100.
In addition, there are also 670 million people in high mountain regions and 680 million which also depend directly on the oceans and the cryosphere, emphasising the potential danger millions are in if the current rates continue.
Climate change is causing sea levels to rise and that threatens the existence of coastal cities and communities and island nations. The most recent report has highlighted what will continue to happen to the sea level if society carries on the way it is.
Moreover, a further report by the IPCC revealed that the way we eat is also vital in ensuring the planet remains prosperous for future generations. By eating less meat, we will be able to lower our carbon footprint and put pressure on the land. In turn, this will also help ensure food security for millions and help balance the world’s population, which is continuing to grow.
However, we can still act now to help reduce the crisis that is on our hands. To do this, society must reduce emissions sharply. There are many ways this can be achieved, such as recycling, planting trees, using less hot water and buying more energy-efficient products. Although this will take a lot of work, it is manageable and will certainly help those living across the globe.